Friday, October 25, 2013

Bookmarks List/Bedside Table

Currently reading and enjoying:

•    This short essay,  “Through the Closed Door,” by Lee Martin in Post Road Magazine.
•    David Sedaris’s “Now We Are Five,” a reflection on his family and his youngest sister’s death. I read stuff like this and think, “Oh, that’s what good writing looks like.”
•    This haunting, poignant essay, “Face,” by Tara FitzGerald in Vela Mag. So many overlapping pieces here…it will stay with you long after you read it.
•    Scott Woods’s poetry collection, We Over Here Now (more on this later).

I’m also excited that a new little column of mine, featuring books by Ohio authors and publishers, will be appearing in Columbus Alive (an arts newspaper here in town). It’s called (as if there were any other choice for me) “Bibliohio: Recommended Reading from the Heart-Shaped State,” and here’s my first write-up. I have a theory that something special is happening amongst writers and readers in Ohio.

Thanks for reading this week. And you, friends? What else are you thumbing through?


  1. Some wonderful reading matter here. I just read the Sedaris piece yesterday; it's still on my mind. And Lee Martin is always worth reading.

    Congratulations on the column!

    I recently finished "Dying to be Me" (Anita Moorjani), "The Faraway Nearby" (Rebecca Solnit", and "White Heat" (Brenda Wineapple). Am reading a lot of poetry, too, including your wonderful collection.

  2. I'm sure you have something to do with "something special is happening amongst writers and readers in Ohio." :)


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