Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Heart Goes Out to You

My Heart Goes Out to You

My heart goes out to you,
this, whispered in corridors,
before drape-shielded windows.

My two hands around yours,
as if gripping a golf club.
Strength and firmness,

I transmit them to you.
Borrow from me, take
all that I am happy to give:

my heart goes out to you,
it exits my body and
beelines toward you.

As knuckles rap a door.
As an eye from the inside
meets the peephole to peer out.

This heart, my own, it lunges
for the ache in yours. If only
you could hand it over.


  1. This is so very beautiful. I am printing this one. That last line, I have felt that. I have wished so many times that I could give someone my heart that hurt less than theirs did.

  2. Whew. . . overwhelmingly touching.

  3. Beautiful picture, and the last line is perfectly poetic.

  4. Hi Hannah, This is a beautiful poem, and this is my favorite line: "This heart, my own, it lunges for the ache in yours."


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