Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bookmarks List/Bedside Table

Some links to share!
-This Tablet podcast, "The Jewish Starlets of Bollywood." So interesting!
-This article on Vox by Phil Edwards about the human voice behind Siri.
-#Charlestonsyllabus, a wonderful list of resources on the history of racial violence in America and race relations in general.
-A new Part and Parcel on Huffington Post featuring the amazing Nin Andrews. Her new book, Why God Is a Woman, blew my mind. You can read a few poems from the book in the post, along with our brief conversation about gender, identity, and danger. (And another fun tidbit--the cover artist for her book is Aron Wiesenfeld, whose image also appears on my book!)

What's catching your attention this week?


  1. How interesting! I shared this on my Facebook.

    1. Thanks so much!! Lovely to see you :). You'd really enjoy the Nin Andrews book, I think. Hope all is well!

  2. Oh, Nin Andrews's book! Just put it on my list.

    Currently reading the bio of Agnes Martin by Nancy Princenthal and Mark Doty's 'Deep Lane' collection.

    1. I'll be really interested to hear what you think of her book--it's so good :).

      Ooh...your selections sound wonderful.


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