Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009: Quoted from: cow_birch_with_barred_owls.jpg 500×666 pixels


Birches stir the imagination.
They peel and reveal

Rough black patches
And strips, deconstructed

Bar codes and inky
Clawmarks. Slim-trunked,

Skin pale as bone,
These birches lean out

From the ground.
They are vulnerable

And weird, and so we
Make them into other

Forms: kneeling girls
With hair flung forward,

Ladders, knobby horse legs.
They bend and stretch

Under the weight of our vision,
Intangible, strong as a breeze.

1 comment

  1. Whenever I visit your site I always discover a new word that I remember I categorically love. "intangible" is the one this time. what a delicious word that is, how it bounces on the tongue...

    I am FINALLY sending you a project-email by the way... that is if you'll have it of course...



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