Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009: On the Street…After the Show, Paris

How to Handle the Loveliness of Young Men

Especially if their looks tip toward prettiness—
Hair in a halo of curls, petal-smooth cheek,
Slim, pale wrists

Feel free to dip your words in the common dialect
of loveliness: angels, flowers,

Turn toward the person to your left and remark
How beautiful he is, or use
The word striking

For here, in the shaky subway car, amongst the crowds
And murky newspapers, his
Looks are agonizing

1 comment

  1. Someday will you do a behind the scenes at the Storialist? I keep telling my He-weasel that I am SURE you are a famous author and you have scads of books published. you are a fierce talent and I feel so lucky to read you every day. I so hope that some day that Sartorialist comes to his senses and hires you to do poems for his page.

    striking-angels-car. I love how present life and death are in this poem.


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