My Books

Cadence (Winner of the Ohio Chapbook Prize from the Wick Poetry Center, published by Kent State University Press, 2018)

My new chapbook is now available! If you'd like a signed copy, email me, or you can purchase a copy via the Kent State University Press directly here.

In The Kettle, the Shriek (Gold Wake Press, 2013)

My first collection of poems. If you'd like to purchase a signed copy of this book directly from me (or multiple signed copies), please get in touch. Here's a link to purchase it from Gold Wake Press.

If you'd like to talk about this book, review it, or feature it, let's talk!


TNBBC's The Next Best Book Blog (10.28.14)
Clementine Daily (10.23.13)
Heavy Feather Review (10.22.13)
Rattle (10.15.13)
Vouched Books (10.14.13)
Litbridge Magazine (9.26.13)
The Toast (8.23.13)
Spoonful Magazine (8.13.13)
The Jealous Curator (7.31.13)
Books & Culture (7.22.13)

“In Hannah Stephenson’s poetry we find a noticer. A stopper. A wonderer. A darer. A giver. A receiver. A teacher. In reading her poems, over and over I found myself saying, ‘Thank you, sister in words.’”

-Laura Munson, author of the New York Times best-selling memoir, This Is Not the Story You Think It Is

“‘I could care less,’ Hannah Stephenson says with a faux shrug, feigning that tone of contemporary diffidence and cool, but everywhere in In the Kettle, the Shriek this fine new poet indicates that ‘instead, I care so much.’ Here is a poet of clarity and connective grace, full of good will and wily stories alike-funny, neighborly, amused, observant, she's a storyteller with an aphorist's flair for precision."

-David Baker, Poetry Editor of The Kenyon Review, author of the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize-winning Never-Ending Birds

"In the Kettle, The Shriek is excellent: inquisitive, taut, ironic, tough, smart, sensitive, tensed, ready. Nothing is taken for granted in these poems, not the cosmic or the molecular. The unpunctuated questions that comprise many of the poems are an essential part of what this poet is up to. Those queries become the glue of this universe, the building blocks of its matter and anti matter, and also a voice of the zeitgeist."

-Amy Gerstler, Editor of Best American Poetry (2010), author of (most-recently) Dearest Creature


New Poetry from the Midwest (New American Press, 2015)
Co-Editor with Okla Elliott

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The Ides of March: An Anthology of Ohio Poets (Columbus Creative Cooperative, 2013)

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