from "Nue singularite," by Valerie Boutot-Nobrega |
Few Key Differences
In the place without stars they have a saying
A dark sky to keep us warm
In the place without stars they do have one star
This is the sun
In the place without stars the symbol of human life
is a lantern
All along the streets neighbors admire one another’s
porch lights and street lamps
In the place without stars lovers take a blanket out
to the field early in their courtship and there they sleep
In the place without stars they use a sunscope
to look at the darkness inside the light
Mythology is linked to weather
and those who study it are seen as charmingly antiquarian
In the place without stars there is also no moon
In the place without stars there are remarkably
few insomniacs
In the place without stars it is still worth looking up