Friday, January 30, 2015

New Poetry from the Midwest!

For the last year, I’ve been working with Okla Elliott to co-edit an anthology, New Poetry from the Midwest (to be published by New American Press).

I’m excited to share that the book will launch in April, at this year’s AWP Conference (in Minneapolis)! It has been a true pleasure to work on this…I am awestruck by the poetry in the anthology. It’s certainly not comprehensive—no anthology is. But it’s a beautiful, diverse, eccentric, inspiring collection!

We just finished the cover (which I love). I’m a big fan of the fuchsia/hot pink…

If you’d like to learn more, you can follow us on Facebook, or if you have any questions or would be interested in reviewing the collection, just let me know (get in touch through comments below, or various social media channels, or email, or telepathic vibes).
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