Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009: On the Street…Rue de Castiglione, Paris

Playing dress-up as a little girl
Is an experiment

Of decadent, arbitrary
Proportion. Strands of pearls,

Looped and weighty, tangle around
Silver chains, semi-precious

Cut stones pendulous against
A girl’s slight, unformed frame.


  1. Beautiful as always. Brings back dreamy thoughts of my own childhood experiments of dressing up and walking to the local shop in my mother's high heels.

  2. Love your work! I'm Purple Snowflake over on wordpress and wanted to thank you for your kind words!

    I was blogging at both sites, but had problems uploading my photos on here so moved my photo blog over there!

    I look forward to following your blog! :-)

  3. Thought I'd pop over ad say Hi.... Hi!

    Some good poems on here and I love the idea/insperation behind it.


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