
Monday, May 30, 2016

What Is Wobbly Will Right Itself

"Tiny Little Series" by Kate Castelli

What Is Wobbly Will Right Itself

probably What is wobbly will become strong
someday but only if it wobbles enough

I consider several counterexamples
Threadbare fences hanging on by one measly nail
The skinny tree tethered on each side to a wooden post
a family tree come to life
Worse of all the limb shaken from within by illness
not evil (the illness) but cruel and thoroughly despicable

What is wobbly can be steady
See There is my baby son lifting his own head
Raising his own body to sit
Learning how to hold himself

What is wobbly reveals the work
and weight and sway

of the unattached and coming undone

the classification that we all fall under

[Image above by Kate Castelli]

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