
Friday, March 1, 2013

Inspired by...

This week, feeling inspired by:

Tom Hart’s gorgeous book for his daughter, Rosalie. Read (or order) Chapters 1 and 2 here. Be prepared to be moved. Intensely.

This poem, “Lost in the Forest,” by Amy Gerstler. We discussed it in one of my classes this week. The question came up--is this Red Riding Hood or Gretel? Or some magical combination?

This list of named galaxies, courtesy of Wikipedia (Sombrero Galaxy, anyone?).

This poem, “History of the House Where You Were Born,” by Patricia Lockwood.

Sharon Olds! I saw her read last night at was a beautiful reading (I loved her pieces from Stag’s Leap, especially “What Left” and “Known to Be Left”). She utterly charmed the audience. When she asked the audience for questions, one woman asked a lovely thing....she asked Olds about the endings of her poems, and said that “the endings of her poems hurt [her] heart.” What a sweet and sincere compliment! In response, Olds started with, “You warm my heart.” Talking about poetry can clear away all the small talk, if we let it.

What's inspiring you this week?


  1. Great stuff, Hannah. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Sharon Olds is amazing isn't she? i was lucky enough to attend a reading she gave in Edinburgh a few years ago...

    I love the names of galaxies

  3. I love your last sentence. Maybe I'm self-righteous, but I often wonder how people ever say, or even think, anything fresh or incisive if they're not somewhat serious about one or more of the arts. If one sees the wealth of details in an ordinary life on an ordinary day, how is it possible to be quiet about it, to not be moved by it, whether it's outrage or ecstasy?


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