
Monday, February 18, 2013

You Should Try to Get Some Sleep

You Should Try to Get Some Sleep

Flame in the fireplace,
leaves stretching in the greenhouse.

Small room full of the dark
and puddled with chemicals for coaxing

images from film. Meteors
sleeping soundlessly in the burning fields,

and encyclopedias snug
in the highest shelves, beneath blankets

of dust. Water rushing down
the drain in the sink and the bathtub,

the dead and dessicated spider
carried off by the wind to the big web

in the sky. Undiscovered
gems glittering in the hills under

rocky eyelids, and the next
few days’ supply of gasoline resting

like well water in tanks under
the Shell Station just down the street.


  1. I like the juxtaposition of the natural world to what we've added to it -- spiders and chemicals, meteors and gasoline. Also reminded me of a book I'm reading -- The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barns. Love it, Hannah.

  2. This is chilling, Hannah. There's a foreboding of menace and loss. Wonderful use of detail and vivid images.

  3. Excellent! I could see a camera zooming to every detail, "Blown Away" style. The spider section was my favorite.


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