
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lousy Paperweight Co.

Lousy Paperweight Co.

Memory of the agate ocean,
you are the worst paperweight

my brain has conjured, even
worse than fear of falling from

the elevated train’s platform,
even worse than feel of water

sliding from the sun-warmed
green hose without touching

the spigot, yesterday’s remainder.
Bodies at rest tend to leap into

activity when the room tilts
and shakes. Too many papers,

pal, that’s our problem, and
proximity to big windows.


  1. Awesome. I thought of Seth Godin and "lizard brains," and how people are controlled/motivated by fear of death at work, school, et cetera.

    Side note: I also thought of the song title "Good Intentions Paving Company."

  2. Jack, I LOVE that song.....I was indeed thinking of that title.

  3. You made me laugh with this poem! Good to see you Hannah...

  4. You had me at the title!

    (And kept me, of course!)


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