
Friday, December 7, 2012

Bookmarks List/Bedside Table

Currently reading and enjoying...

This poem, “Free Bible in Your Own Language,” by Heather Kirn Lanier at VerseDaily

The Paleofuture blog by Matt Novak, which describes itself as “A history of the future that never was.” I can’t stop reading this blog---it’s so fun and entertaining! I love what the past thought The Future would be like. I’ve been reading posts on The Jetsons, fashion, and past predictions.

This article, “Horror Doesn’t Have to Be Ugly: A Look at the Comics of Emily Carroll,” by Matthew Brady (at The Hooded Utilitarian). I love Carroll’s work--this is an insightful analysis of her comics and aesthetic.

This great exercise, “Tiny Masters: An Artful Trick to Writing the Personal Essay,” by Sherry Simpson (in Brevity).

This gorgeous essay, “Daughter Species,” by Amy Monticello, on what grief feels like (this piece feels so brave).
What are you reading these days?


  1. Last meals of death row inmates. I cannot explain why it's interesting.

  2. Oh, thank you. I love your lists.

  3. Great links, Hannah. Monticello's piece is excellent. That blog at the Smithsonian is one of the best. I have to say I like much of what the Smithsonian has done recently to improve its online offerings.

  4. Thank you for the suggestions or sharing your links rather. I love your choices and usually get to check one thoroughly...I have so little time or maybe I am wasteful with my time...I started The Elegance of Hedgehog in both languages. Everyone raved about it...I thought it was so so for the beginning...then I got bored stiff with it but could not abandon because I had bought it in french and english (what was I thinking) and so I skipped a bunch of chapters and started reading again and then it became interesting... wishing you a happy weekend!

  5. Brave in that she dares in Jason a rarely seen positive portrayal of the male?

  6. Glad you liked these, everyone!

    Jack, those ARE interesting! I completely agree.

    Mona, I know what you mean about books that we'd rather skip around in (I think that's ok, sometimes!).

    Bill (WAS), I meant that Amy's piece is brave because she is sharing her raw grief. I do like her positive portrayal of Jason, too (they are both wonderful people).


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