
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Grocery List on the Fridge Is Cave Art

The Grocery List on the Fridge Is Cave Art

and magnet-trapped postcard, height chart

along the door frame, coupon clipped
out for your coffee, your name in script,

almost unrecognizable, on a wedding
invitation. Also art: sofa you’re dreading

replacing, jar of screws and bolts that go
to something, a futon of five years ago,

a flimsy shelf. The blinds you break
a little every day, the teeth you take

more seriously now that some are stained,
the empty phone jacks, the well-maintained

counter with its few pasta sauce spots,
the darkened underside of pans and pots.


  1. That prosodic opening (short "i's", short "a's", and "-ar sounds) read fantastically well.

  2. Love the title, the sounds, the strange juxtaposition of images that give this a welcome darkness.

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