
Friday, September 7, 2012

On Creativity: School’s in Session

Photo by Cortney Ellis

Ok, fellow creatives types....I have a few questions for you today.

For me, fall always means increased learning, energy, and reflection. School is back in session (I teach English at various universities here in Columbus, including a fine arts school), and I constantly learn new things about writing, analysis, and creativity while teaching.

This morning, I was thinking how much I would appreciate a specific kind of course. In my creative work, I always feel comfortable doing the day-to-day work of thinking and writing (especially the generating-new-work part). But once I have the work (like the writing I’ve been creating through this blog), I find it challenging to figure out what to do with it. Organizing manuscripts/collections and developing projects with a larger scope is something I’d love to learn more about. I wish someone could teach me about this--I’d love to take a class in this specific topic.

This made me wonder: as creatives, we are heavily invested in learning and new ideas. What classes or workshops would you sign up for in a heartbeat? What specific skills and processes would be valuable to explore, for you (in your art)? What would you want to focus on and learn?

Thanks, in advance, for your thoughts....


  1. Well I'm hoping to take a course on writing creative non-fiction next year. I like to do writing courses, focussing on different genres.

    I would love to do a course something similar to the one you outline, how to present my work as a body of work and then how to work on creating new pieces of work related to that.

  2. Oh Hannah, you sounded like Carrie Bradshaw with a brain! I would like a course on knowing who you are as an artist and feeling confident about your artistic identity. I think you could design and teach that course, Hannah.

  3. I'm with you and Crafty on organizing a collection, although I'd think it would only take a couple of sessions.
    But I also like Anne H's idea about "artistic identity." I think I know myself in that way, but those are probably famous last words.

  4. Learning how to overcome writer's block. Learning to be a more talented reader and observer.

  5. I signed up for my first art class because it was called How to draw anything (from your mind) and I was drawn (*pun alert*) to the possibilities. After the second class, I was done though (and have taken none since), because my teacher explained tat I could draw anything if I accepted what I drew. I decided to believe him and quit dragging myself to class when I could stay home to draw.
    Okay...I'm no help...

  6. Oh, I have one - how to take scraps of ideas and prepare them for or apply them to a larger single project. I'd love that class!!!


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