
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One Day

One Day

One day you’ll be big enough
to go where your heart asks.

When your eyelids lift,
you’ll see you are there already,

one parking garage-sized foot
stepping on the hem of a

country, the other piercing
the ocean, clamping into sand.


  1. Wow! Succinct and evocative. Another beautiful piece, Hannah.

  2. Lovely pull-and-tug to this, Hannah.

  3. One day, I will have my little Marie read this. One day, she will grow out of this grandfather's anxious worry. And she will go away, her heart big enough to fall in love with whoever she fancies, and memories dimmed or maybe damned!

  4. If I were that big while everyone else remained tiny, I would never be bored. I would probably prevent other people from going where their hearts ask.

  5. love this one hannah, keep em coming


The Storialist. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.