
Friday, April 8, 2011

Video: Your Oyster

I'm happy to share with you my video for "Your Oyster." I filmed this at the delightful Mad 4 Mod Vintage shop in Columbus, Ohio. Thanks so much, ladies, for allowing me to film in your store (and being kind about this strange request)!

Hope you like the music, too.


  1. Incredible! Loved the music, loved how the poem matched the appropriate color and texture of the clothing! Uhhhh,,,,I felt the freeway. And that 405 now reminds me of arteries going between the heart and brain! Wishing you a great weekend Hannah! xo

  2. Love the juxtaposition of traffic and clothes as signs of civilization. Love the music! Have a beautiful weekend my talented one.

  3. Interesting yoking together of disparate things--nice metaphysical jump from one to the other. (I wonder what videos Donne might have made.)

  4. Love this, Hannah. Such a creative rendering of your poem.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. I liked the poem a lot when I read it earlier in the week. I like it even more now, perhaps that comes with slowing down with it to read it on the screen like that.

    The footage is wonderful, and the music... wow.

    Well done, all around.

  6. Absolutely awesome. I love the poem, and yes, the music is fantastic. What you have done with the colors of clothing is spectacular (not to mention the fact that I'm a fan of vintage clothing).

    Egad...excuse all my gushing adjectives. Your work excites me, and I get carried away. Suffice it to say that I appreciate it very much.

    As I read the poem, I kept thinking of Ezra Pound's "In A Station of the Metro" and his "petals on a wet, black bough." Your poem creates that same sort of apparition and feeling for me. I'm going back to read/watch again. Excellent work, Hannah!

  7. Blending the elements, life as the suitcase full of so much, makes for a beautiful poetry experience. I wish to spend more time with it as well. Such an expressive form you've created.

  8. I always find something to love in your poems, because of the care you take in crafting them. But your multimedia creations are always a cut above, so well-thought out and respectful of what's most important - the words. Bravo.

  9. Wonderful, wonderful, Hannah! I loved the slow dealing out of the poem, like cards. And what's the music? Right up my street. Where's it from?

  10. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I wanted to respond to Dick's question...the music is me :). A little something I cooked up especially for the video (what would I do without Garageband?? Do you use it?).

  11. Late... but loved this, Hannah! The music is terrific and perfect for the poem and footage, you're so good!

  12. Loved this video. Loved the poem.


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