
Friday, April 22, 2011

Video: Paging Columbus footage

For Multimedia Friday (it's slowly becoming an international holiday, I tell you), I wanted to share some video from a recent poetry reading. One of my most enjoyable new projects is a monthly literary arts series called "Paging Columbus" that I'm hosting/curating here at the wonderful OSU Urban Arts Space.

For the first event, I read poems with three other OSU alumni poets (that I admire so much---Jason Gray, Jen Town, and Maggie Smith). The venue was perfect, and I loved talking with everyone who attended.

The sound on the video is fairly good (though with a noticeable echo). I did want to share it with you, though, since all of the poems I read were first shared on The Storialist. Watching it back, I sound most at ease in the last couple of poems; I didn't feel nervous, but it took me a bit to adjust to the acoustics, I think.

I hope to show video from the next Paging Columbus event, too--an arts and culture blogging panel (pardon me while I jump up and down with glee). The panelists are brilliant artists and bloggers from around Columbus (one is the artist Matt Kish--I actually wrote a poem, "Ships Set Out," on one of his pieces in December of 2009--such a cool thing to have him take part in this panel now!).

Hope you enjoy the video, and have a great weekend. What readings, events, or performances have you been attending or participating in? What projects are keeping you busy?


  1. T.G.I.M.F.!

    A great side-trip, and because we don't have Star Trek transporters, this is about as close as I'll get to sitting in the audience during one of your readings. My read is that you were quite at ease from the beginning, and I was applauding with the audience.

    Me? No poetry readings (yet) and for the weekend I'm continuing my 30-poems-in30-days marathon - which you'd be able to do with ease, but which for me is soooo difficult!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I wonder if there is some "applause etiquette" for poetry readings. It's like at a classical music concert where those in the know might say you don't applaud after the first movement of a whatever. It must be difficult for readers to let the audience know when they are done. I sensed you realized a kind of "out of my hands" kind of thing with that. But I think you know how to read your work, and acoustics or not, did a wonderful job. I wish I could have been there with you and for you.

  3. I agree with Sam and Jerry that you appear composed and clear.

    Jerry raises an interesting question about applauding. There always has to be a pause between each reading of a poem; I think it's helpful for the poet to offer guidance at the beginning, and in the absence of reading notes, just before the last couple of poems to indicate "two more to go". I've been to enough readings to know that everyone approaches the matter differently and so I just go with the flow.

  4. I remember the Jersey Shore!

    I love the way you read Hannah.

  5. What a great event, and you are awesome as usual! There is a slight echo in the room but not bad at all. You looked great.

    I have not attended a reading of any sort lately...I only attend your readings, at least for the time being. : ) Hope you have a great weekend Hannah! xoxo

  6. In my city there exist at least a few local poetry groups, perhaps more I haven't discovered yet. I attend one as regularly as possible and enjoy it very much. The focus of the group is more slam-poetry style, but I've found there is always something to share, something to learn.

  7. PS: A bit of an echo there in the video, but otherwise, great!

  8. I rather like the idea of a weekly muli-media holiday!

  9. I enjoyed this video and then watched all your videos over on YouTube, excellent! I particularly like the video for In Sink, very cleverly made, beautiful editing between images.

    As to projects I'm currently involved in, since I discovered the video function on my new camera, I'm looking into making videos of some of my haiku. So far I've captured some interesting bird behaviour on film, which has nothing to do with any of the haiku films I hope to make but has been very rewarding in itself!


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