
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Things Mean More

Things Mean More

Things mean more than what they are,
a round bit of metal we know as a coin,
which we trade for an item or service,
or which we store in a box for the luck
it once brought us. Garments fit us
with varying messages. This is the dress
she chooses when time is scarce,
this shirt she wears to ward off
negativity. We call on our stuff
to help us manage the intangible,
waving around a watch or shoe
or stone or book as if conducting
traffic. All good luck charms fail
to conjure obedience at some point.
I am so grateful that we cannot
orchestrate every shift in energy.


  1. I'm just reading a book on the nature of reality at the moment, and your poem fits neatly in with that! I particularly enjoyed the last four lines here

  2. We call on our stuff
    to help us manage the intangible

    This is certainly true. The argument is well worked.

  3. I agree this line is beautiful:

    We call on our stuff
    to help us manage the intangible

    I being a "collector" of one too many things clearly sees the relation....


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