
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beyond the Shadow

Beyond the Shadow

Beyond the shadow of a doubt,
this is the brand of certainty we long for,

a room resonating with clarity.
All dimness or cloudiness expelled, expunged.

Even the carpet is luminously
truthful. Footprints cross the vacuum-streaked

velvet plush boldly, as the owner
of a home would walk through the level dirt

in which she intends to cultivate
flowers. The table is empty, the walls without

hole or nail or any adornment.
No shade, no noise that you do not create,

just you in the room, confusion
vaporizing from you. Sit placidly here for

any length of time and yawn
in place of stimulation and fear. Who would

want to see every secret exposed,
no shadows, even below one’s own restless body.


  1. Eerie, beautiful. Somehow calls the surface world into question, all surfaces.

  2. This gives me a different perspective on new-home walk-throughs and even on walk-throughs of old homes cleared out. Thought-provoking for sure.

  3. Smiles! I like that room, that beyond the shadow of a doubt state! xo

  4. That image, this poem remind me of conference rooms of yore. I'll probably dream about conference rooms now.


The Storialist. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.