
Thursday, February 10, 2011



You have hit the nail
on the hammer,

have crammed the universe
into a speech bubble.

You have cured
the common cold,

have slid the manhole’s lid
aside to reveal a hole,

the earth’s mouth fallen
open, impressed.

You made gravity.
You found it. You founded it.

You scribbled a shape on a napkin,
a bison, an animal

cracker with one leg
missing, and called it a country.

You pointed at some shore
you had not seen before,

and dragged your boat to it
that you might walk

through the sand of a new
land, you discovered it.

We knew you had it
in you all along, we say,

a switch in the cavity
of your body

that just had to be
nudged up.


  1. I'm 'chewing the fat' on some of the symbolism, metaphors. 'the manhole', '...gravity found it, 'founded'? My eyes (QQ) see the words and I love your creativity, butt<= (me), 'no comprendo'. Help!!!!!

    Is it too early?
    I've been up since 3am (sn0rrr)

  2. I like the boat dragged to unseen shore and all the rest...xoxo

  3. I think this one should be a video candidate.

    The manhole line is terrific.

    I love those space beings with the merged speech bubble.

  4. Still looking for my switch, but a tad more optimistic now. Good, good stuff again.

  5. "have slid the manhole’s lid
    aside to reveal a hole,

    the earth’s mouth fallen
    open, impressed."

    Hannah, the beauty of this, my mouth falls open, impressed.


The Storialist. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.