
Friday, January 21, 2011

Video: Seasonally Affected

Here at The Storialist, you will be seeing some experiments. I've been wanting to create videos of some kind, and came up with this. I hope to record myself reading a previously posted poem once a week--how do Multimedia Fridays sound to you? This was shot by me, with my laptop, during the snowy afternoon (it seemed fitting to begin with "Seasonally Affected"). I hope you enjoy it! Click here for the text.

As always, thank you so much for reading, and for your comments. I'm looking forward to exploring new ways to share my poems with you.


  1. I'm delighted you decided to do make a multimedia presentation. You chose just the right poem to open with; to hear your words "off the page" like this gave them added power. You did look cold!

    (I need to learn how to do this.)

  2. Go, Hannah! Poets + technology rule!

  3. Loved it. Love how you are looking right at us at the end!

  4. So nice to see you. But, now I want to send you one of those lamps in the worst way. You look so, well, COLD!! And, as hard as it is to believe, your words actually take on more meaning than ever by your having spoken them.

  5. Love it! You are gorgeous! Your hair was parted on the opposite side of your picture. Did you do that or am I seeing your mirror image or ?
    Lovely poem matched greatly with the scenery. Did you move the camera on purpose or natural. I think you need to buy a tripod.

    I like your reading the poem a lot.

    Have a lovely weekend...

  6. Woo hoo! Go Hannah!! I love it, and you look so pretty with the snowflakes falling on you! xoxo

  7. I too, enjoyed the integration of video format, especially in reciting your thoughts. Your voice pesented it well. I appreciate and agree with Maureen in your choice of setting for this poem and Kathleen's comment on your LQQking at us at the end.

    You did part your hair in the opposite side of your profile pic.
    I'm ambidextrous, also(lol).

  8. Beautiful, both you & your words, presentation. I love it!

    As Maureen states, I need to learn how to do this, too. And as Nic states, Poets & technology rule! :) You go, girl!

  9. I love it Hannah. It's like you're talking to me, my poet friend.

  10. It works.
    Your read yourself extremely well.
    Give us more, please.

  11. I have chills. So damn beautiful. You are. Your writing, your voice, and your mind. So beautiful. Haunting.

  12. Excellent. Really nicely done, Hannah. I like the simplicity of the presentation - a SAD poem being uttered through gently drifting snow. The next step up from audio. A next step forward for Vox Alpha too. How did you actually do it?

  13. Hannah, good to see you branching out. When you post videos, though, you should adjust the width of the video in the embed code so it doesn't lap under the sidebar. Your main column is 410 pixels wide, so you'd have to use the custom setting at YouTube (410 x 255). Alternatively, of course, you could switch to a different skin or template (can't remember Blogger terminology!).

  14. Hannah you are totally awesome! That video poetry is super-duper.

  15. i love seeing this as i've been thinking about doing the video thing, too, once a week or so.

    and i love the line in this: "or we were bears."

    a great piece. winter is kicking my ass this year, and i loved the poem.

  16. Hannah and I apparently have Vulcan mindmeld-- we both made and posted videos about this on the same day. without knowing about the other person's.

    even our reading cadences resemble each other.....

  17. oh so lovely - I like how the effect of walking with the lap top made it feel like the camera was floating and sliding. I love hearing you read your words. makes them even that more powerful. & caroleesherwood was right that line about the bears is very perfect.

  18. yes! please keep doing these. I was a fan before, but the multimedia adds elements that make your work even more appealing. And you have a great voice for this.

  19. Wow, this was really wonderful. I love the question about what can be built with the darkness, and the video is great. I like that you're walking while reciting the poem. Very cool.

  20. Hi Hannah,

    I love this, hearing the power in your voice, a perfect match to the words of your poem. I always enjoy hearing a poet read their own work, voicing it in the rhythms they have worked to achieve. I think it is much more powerful than printed text in a video.

    In my view, there are two ways for an audience to best perceive a poem- through hearing it in their own head at their own pace- and by hearing it at the author's own pace and cadence. You have a beautiful voice for expressing your poetry aloud. And it was nice to see and hear you!


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