
Friday, December 31, 2010

Flooding In

Flooding In

From the chasms of outer space
that are unreachable.
Down through the atmosphere,
and the balled-up air underpinning it.
Through the clouds and smog,
through the upturned arms of branches
and into the scalps of evergreens.
Down through roofs,
wooden beams and brick chimneys.
Through pale and bowed ceilings,
and down through our skulls
while we sleep,
and also flooding in from within,
a tide, higher, higher.


  1. Wonderful, Hannah. Wonderful images: "scalps of evergreens", "balled-up air".

    Wishing you another great year! I have enjoyed every one of your poems. You have such talent!

  2. you're an inspiration!

    thanks for these lines in this:

    "Through pale and bowed ceilings,
    and down through our skulls
    while we sleep,"

    ... enchanting!

  3. I like the concept of "flooding in from within,
    a tide, higher, higher."

    I feel the need for air these days, the flood of life has risen up to my eyeballs. It has been so very cold out, inhuman cold...

    Here's wishing your a New Year full of all the good stuff, books, words, poetry, friendship, love.

    PS: Have you submitted your poetry lately? I did 2 poetry submissions last night, fingers crossed. I need to get into a regular habit of writing then submitting...

  4. My goodness how I love this! I envision a huge glittering nebula just barreling towards us. Can't wait to read more and more of your work this year!

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