
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Storm Tracking

Storm Tracking

Thunderstorm warnings for later this evening.
We have just received word that thunder
and lightning are probable tonight. Be ready.
Remember that tires behave more erratically
in the rain. And do not be alarmed by flickering
in the sky; as we have predicted, here is the lightning.
Later, an eyewitness to the storm describes
the scene. Big leaves from palm trees were
blowing all over the road. The lightning
was like a camera flash. All of our machines
are working on tracking the storm. Here it is,
we have located its nucleus. This one dark cloud
is causing the storm. Well, it’s easiest to understand
that way, because the causes are mostly invisible.
Not since Spring of ’03 have we seen a storm
like this one, have we? Up to two inches of rain
is sitting out there on the road, or is soaking
into the earth and making mud. One witness
reports, palm trees were whipping up and down,
uprooting and smashing into cars. This storm
is serious. See how the local residents are
handling the water, the booming, the light.
Clue: they are holding umbrellas. Be prepared
for more rain this week. The thunder might return.
Sources tell us that storms are likely for the rest
of the month. We don’t know when this rain
will let up! Our machines have found the storm,
according to reports, the thunderstorm is now
directly overhead, hold still, it will pass,
just wait. But at least we know where it is.


  1. You've captured most effectively in this the drama and spectacle that is part of any thunderstorm, however fleeting. I like particularly the accumulation of detail and the corresponding build-up of tension. The use of demotic language throughout, without recourse to poetic devices, and the commentary that accompanies the narrative provides a sense of immediacy.

  2. Not sure how I became 'DI' whilst uploading this comment. 'Princess Di'? 'Detective Inspector'? Oh well...

  3. Just like listening to the weather on radio. I like it best when the announcement is "rain likely" and it's pouring outside.

    Another good one!

  4. This week's storm inspired some creativity in me. Lily HATES thunder and so I have been singing her songs about how the thunder and lightening bugs are all bark and no bite. Strangely my silly songs comfort her. If you heard me sing you would find that shocking.

  5. I like that the local residents holding umbrellas serves as a clue.

  6. excellent, I like the tone you use in your descriptions here. I also like the detail of the umbrella as clue

  7. human nature: 'but at least we will know where it is'


  8. I like the humor of the way people in a desert treat the rain like an apocalyptic event.


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