
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009: On the Street….Vintage in Black & Red, Sydney


Hemingway’s publisher suggested The Sun Also Rises
As a title. A Biblical nod, classical,
Heavy as boulders. The original title, Fiesta, survives
Overseas, abroad. So why the party for Europe,
(ironic but still a party) and the cumbersome sentence
Here? The sun also rises, it’s true,
Yes, but is hope the subtext? It sounds weary, defeated,
As in the sun goes up and down and up
Again and again, inevitably, additionally.

1 comment

  1. Maybe we need the thought of hope, in knowing 'the sun also rises' rather than a neverending party.


    It is a conundrum of sorts.

    Love your work.


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